Mukhauta Nepali Movie
Mukhauta Nepali Movie
A film by : Arpan Thapa
Cast: Sunil Thapa,Rajesh Hamal,Robin
Tamang,Arpan Thapa,Saugat Malla,Daya Hang Rai,Nisha Adhikari,Harshika
Shrestha,Prasant Tamrakar,
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'Mukhauta' is directed by Arpan Thapa and
features himself and actress Nisha Adhikari in the leading roles.
A presentation of Reef Entertainment, the
movie will also feature Saugat Malla, Dayahang Rai, Sunil Thapa, Robin Tamang
and Prasant Tamrakar in main roles
Producer: Rabin Shrestha,
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